• Category : SERVICE

Restoration beyond Renovation

ArcAura designs transcend a lifetime (100 years +);  arcAura designs with intent.

There are several unique yet valid reasons to restore a building thus arcAura first takes note of why a building needs restoration / renovation. ArcAura believes, for all reasons, the building needs to be setup not just for the present but for  a lifetime. The building is then assessed and a detailed plan developed for the site, fitting with the intent coupled with the environment.

Finally what is in place after restoration fuses the past, the present and the future.





ArcAura provides the following specialized consulting services related specifically to renovations and restorations, whether to historic buildings or buildings over 25 years old: Full architectural services, photographic recording , measured drawings preparation, inspection reports and structural surveys, building science consulting,  life safety and health upgrading, accessibility needs for the handicapped , expert witness consulting ,etc.

Finally what is in place after restoration fuses the past, the present and the future.